Ibogaine For Methamphetamine Addiction Treatment

Methamphetamine was first synthesized from ephedrine in 1919. It was widely prescribed within the United States during the 1950s and 1960s as a treatment for obesity, and weight-loss aid. As the extremely addictive nature of crystal meth became apparent, governments worldwide began strictly regulating and controlling its production and distribution.

Methamphetamine is a Schedule II drug within the United States. Pharmaceutical methamphetamine is still available, and sold under the Desoxyn brand.

Try Ibogaine for Methamphetamine Addiction
​ Now

Crystal meth use has become a nationwide epidemic in recent years. The relatively simple synthesis and ready availability of precursors, lends itself to “bathtub chemistry” wherein poorly trained individuals, with little understanding of what they’re actually doing, follow cookbook formulas, to create methamphetamine hydrochloride of questionable purity.

Many people are under the impression that meth is simply a more powerful version of amphetamine, however, there are critical differences; perhaps the most significant being that methamphetamine is a neurotoxin in humans. In direct contrast, there is no evidence of amphetamine neurotoxicity in human subjects.


The Nature of Methamphetamine Addiction and Comedown

Because methamphetamine is such a potent stimulant in any of its forms, whether it is used as speed, crystal meth, or another form of amphetamine, methamphetamine comedown and methamphetamine withdrawal are complicated, difficult processes. For users, the drug affects the brain rapidly, triggering the release of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. This in turn increases alertness, energy, and sociability. These affects can last for as long as eight hours, depending on the dose and the user. However, once the drug begins to wear off, the user starts to feel terrible as the effects of methamphetamine comedown take hold.

The methamphetamine comedown period is distinct from the methamphetamine withdrawal process, even though there are a few common threads between them. Methamphetamine comedowns resemble hangovers from alcohol somewhat. Both are influenced by a complex mix of surplus chemicals metabolized into toxins and built up in the body, exhaustion from the euphoric effects of using the drug, and imbalances in neurotransmitters in the brain.

Put an End to Your Methamphetamine Cravings

Symptoms of methamphetamine comedown include: anxiety, decreased appetite, depression, fatigue, headache from dehydration, hopelessness, insomnia despite exhaustion, lack of motivation, malnutrition, muscle pain, especially in the jaw from clenching, muscle weakness, and plain old sadness. Methamphetamine comedown symptoms can persist for several days after abusing the drug. Mental health changes such as anxiety and depression tend to linger the longest.

It is critical to be able to recognize methamphetamine comedown symptoms, because many users take more drugs in order to banish those symptoms and feelings—and this is even more dangerous. This kind of reaction leads to methamphetamine binges and “tweaking,” which can cause overdose, psychotic effects, and more intense difficulties when getting clean later. Tweaking binges are typically characterized by periods of 3 to 15 days without sleep, filled with intense paranoia and sometimes temporary psychosis. This psychosis is the cause of the delusions and hallucinations that tweakers sometimes experience, such as feeling bugs on or beneath the skin. Other symptoms include aggression, anxiety, dehydration, excessively high energy, irritability, loss of appetite, overheating, physical pain, and twinges.

After a binge, most users will “crash,” and unfortunately the mental state that comes after this often leads to more consumption of methamphetamine. Any attempts to avoid symptoms of comedown can also lead to more use, methamphetamine dependence, and addiction.

From Methamphetamine Comedown to Methamphetamine Withdrawal

Methamphetamine withdrawal symptoms are mainly emotional and psychological with various associated physical traits. And while the physical aspects of the methamphetamine withdrawal process are not as severe as those seen in people who are withdrawing from opioid drugs or alcohol, they are still intense and off-putting for users in the throes of methamphetamine dependence.

Methamphetamine withdrawal is fairly consistent for all users. It starts within the first 24 hours of abstinence. It grows in intensity over time, peaking within 7 to 10 days of the last dose, and once the intensity of the methamphetamine detox has passed, it steadily declines. On the whole, methamphetamine withdrawal takes around 14 to 20 days. Throughout this time, without support a patient can feel increased appetite, dry mouth, excessive sleepiness (typical of withdrawal from stimulant medications), fatigue, jitteriness, and lethargy.

A large number of users report feelings of depression when they stop using. These too drop lower over time. Severe methamphetamine cravings also occur during methamphetamine withdrawal but usually these decline quickly. Some research indicates that there is a connection between cravings for methamphetamine and level of depression during withdrawal. The more frequent and intense the person going through methamphetamine withdrawal experiences, the more likely it is that they will relapse. This is why managing the methamphetamine detox process is so important.

Start Detoxing From Methamphetamine Today

Ibogaine for Meth Addiction: What to Expect

As of 2017 there are very few mainstream treatment options available for stimulant abusers. Ibogaine has proven extremely beneficial for dealing with cravings and making it through PAWS (post-acute withdrawal syndrome).

At Clear Sky Recovery’s ibogaine therapy program in Cancun, we have an optimized protocol designed specifically for individuals who abuse stimulants. Ibogaine can provide a tremendous boost to realigning your neurochemistry by helping your brain replenish dopamine receptors that have been destroyed or desensitized by chronic crystal meth abuse.

Methamphetamine is metabolized via CYP2D6; cytochrome P450 2D6 is the same system your body uses to metabolize ibogaine. You MUST abstain from meth use for at least several days prior to your ibogaine treatment. We will test for metabolites of methamphetamine prior to administering ibogaine.  Undergoing ibogaine therapy shortly after engaging in methamphetamine use, can cause significant complications.

Beating methamphetamine addiction is possible with the right support system and tools. The best way to get off methamphetamine is to make a complete break—but in a safe, medically supported setting. Clear Sky offers methamphetamine addiction help for anyone who is ready to regain control over their life. Contact us about methamphetamine rehab today for a confidential consultation.

Articles About Methamphetamine Addiction Treatment

Ibogaine for Methamphetamine Addiction: Does it Really Work?

The American addiction to heroin gets a lot of attention on television and online, but the American methamphetamine addiction is easily as dangerous, and causes just as much harm, yet still doesn’t get anywhere near as much attention. Still, this shouldn’t make you think that methamphetamine is less addictive or dangerous; that just isn’t so. Methamphetamine addiction is as prevalent and harmful as opiate addiction, but it’s a very different kind of drug. This makes many people wonder: does ibogaine for methamphetamine addiction really work? This article takes on this question and provides the facts.

If you want information about using ibogaine to treat methamphetamine addiction, such as the latest research into ibogaine, neurochemistry, and methamphetamine addiction, this is the post to read.

How to Pick the Perfect Methamphetamine Addiction Treatment Center

It’s not easy choosing the perfect methamphetamine treatment center. It’s a choice you never wanted to make, one you never saw coming. On top of everything else, you’re probably worried that even if you make the best choice possible, you’ll fail. Who wants to be in the position to have to make a choice like that? No one does, but remember, you aren’t alone. And armed with the best information, your choice is going to change your life for the better, permanently.

This post provides you with advice on making this critical choice. You must first ensure that you clarify your needs and priorities. Next you must be sure that while you’re in treatment, you’ll receive the best medical and psychological care. You’ll need to verify that your methamphetamine treatment center uses an evidence-based approach, and provides the ideal range of amenities that help keep you comfortable and secure. Find the help you need to choose that kind of methamphetamine treatment center in this post.

Ibogaine – A Cure for Methamphetamine Addiction?

This page shows a news video, one of the first investigative stories breaking the ibogaine story to a mainstream audience. It also details some of the history and context for the news report on the page, so you get more details and background for what you’re watching. The news show calls ibogaine a “cure” for methamphetamine addiction, and the blog gives you the details and information you need to understand the rest of the ibogaine story.

No matter what anyone says, there is no magic bullet “cure” for methamphetamine addiction—and that includes ibogaine. Ibogaine may be the closest thing we’ve got, though, especially for longtime, serious addicts like those interviewed on the news show. Methamphetamine addiction causes the brain to experience a flood of neurotransmitter chemicals that it gets used to, but ibogaine stops this process and “resets” the brain, allowing the loop to be interrupted. This means an end to the methamphetamine addiction with no withdrawals, and a fresh start.

When to Know to Seek Help for Methamphetamine Addiction

Asking for help is never easy, and it’s even harder when the help you need is linked to methamphetamine addiction. When is the right time to ask? How do you know when it’s time?

One of the dangers of methamphetamine addiction is the lengths the brain will go to in order to keep getting those extremely high levels of neurotransmitter chemicals. It will bend over backwards, so to speak, to keep that flow intact, and that includes making very poor decisions and judgments.

This post describes when to know to seek help for methamphetamine addictions, giving a detailed list of signs of addiction to methamphetamine, and explaining why seeing those signs means a need for help.

Polysubstance Abuse Disorders and Ibogaine

Methamphetamine addiction is itself a complex situation, and when the addict is also using alcohol and/or other drugs, the state of affairs is even more complicated. This article details the facts about polysubstance abuse, how to spot it, and how ibogaine can treat it. The piece also offers a detailed look at symptoms and signs of polysubstance addiction and methamphetamine addiction.

Don’t wait any longer; find out more about ibogaine treatment for methamphetamine addiction and polysubstance abuse disorders in this post. Learn how to prepare for recovery and what to expect from the process.

Meth Face Sores

Using methamphetamine, also known as crystal meth or meth, can result in sores on the face. Scratching and picking at their skin are the most common ways that meth causes sores, but toxic effects can also lead to them. Sores may take weeks or even months to heal, and they often leave scars behind.

Methamphetamine Myths

According to the media, a lot of what people know about meth comes from TV shows like Breaking Bad, documentaries about the national drug crisis, and news media. Some of what you see about meth on television is inaccurate. Meth has a lot of reputations, and some of them are contradictory. You may have heard that meth makes you a better conversationalist, that it makes you more productive, or that it’s an easy way to get high for days. It’s all are cruel myths.